When you see a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral, there is a good chance Aerojet Rocketdyne played an integral role in ‘lift off’. This company, with locations across the nation, including right here in Palm Beach County, is one of the Education Foundation’s Champions of Education that supports “launching” students into STEM and a promising future by generously supporting various STEM-related programs and initiatives.
As a result of this long-standing partnership with Aerojet Rocketdyne and Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation, students in the 10th largest school district in the nation are being exposed to careers that encourage them to reach for the stars. Rocket Powered Robotics is one of several growing programs supported by the company and Foundation. Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation funds FIRST Lego League and First Tech Challenge Robotics programs supporting teams and schools throughout Palm Beach County by providing students valuable opportunities to compete in robotics competitions and learn skills that will launch them into a future STEM-related career.
Before the holidays, teachers had the opportunity to meet a ‘rocket scientist’ as George Prueger, Senior Director RL10 Programs at Aerojet Rocketdyne and esteemed Education Foundation Board of Director and Programs and Grants Committee member visited Red Apple Supplies. Red Apple Supplies is the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County’s signature program and free teacher resource store. During George’s time at Red Apple Supplies he unveiled the stores growing STEM section, sponsored in part, by Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation. Shelves were stocked with STEM-related materials to support teachers in engaging students’ creativity and curiosity. George also volunteered to hand out products and supplies by loading up teachers’ cars and offering them support and appreciation for their profession.
Another program supported by the Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation is the Education Foundation’s GoTeach! Classroom Grants which are awarded annually, bringing teachers’ innovative ideas to fruition and STEM to life in the classroom. Aerojet Rocketdyne recognizes the need to support students as they grow on their educational journey and wants students to know their futures are limitless.
As George Prueger looks to subsequent years ahead, he shared, “we are proud to be able to support teachers in developing exciting and meaningful STEM curriculum, which is vital to engaging students and preparing our future workforce in Palm Beach County.”
George Prueger continues to advocate for high-quality education. He, along with his team at Aerojet Rocketdyne and Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation, are taking a lead role in “launching” STEM education opportunities for our local students.