When a community comes together to focus on the needs of children, amazing things happen. This is where we see champions step forward. One of our dedicated champions, with a heart to care and serve our youth, is the Boca West Children’s Foundation (BWCF). It started with a passion and focus of one Boca Raton businessman who had a vision to create a foundation with solutions for at-risk children and their families in Palm Beach County. Chairman Arthur Adler established Boca West Children’s Foundation and has been leading the crusade for 10 years, impacting the lives of 9,000 children daily. This philanthropic organization is uniquely positioned to make giving back a priority and a significant impact in our community. One that has a ripple effect.
Thousands of students in Palm Beach county saw their lives changed drastically as the pandemic became more prevalent. These students were abruptly shifted into distant learning, removed from their social circles, and left to create an environment at home conducive to a school setting. What was quickly realized was the lack of tools necessary to make their “school from home” experience run smoothly for a student to succeed. Recognizing this, Boca West Children’s Foundation was one of the first organizations to team up with the Education Foundation’s “Rise to the Challenge” campaign to provide support for digital devices as well as the Education Foundation’s “Kits for Kids” initiative. The kits included essential school supplies for students as they finished off the school year in an unconventional way. Their support accelerated the process that placed essential supplies into the hands of the children quickly. We are happy to share that these kits helped our children complete their schooling with greater confidence and success.
One of the most effective ways BWCF gives back to the community is by doing what they do best, bringing the community together. Their passion to serve was displayed through their dedicated volunteers as they joined us at various school district feeding sites to hand out over 5,000 kits in the South Florida heat.
BWCF’s unwavering support continues to ensure our children receive the proper support, like supplies from Red Apple Supplies, the Education Foundation’s signature program and free teacher resource store. Arthur Adler, BWCF’s Chairman and Education Foundation partner, states, “The Education Foundation is the perfect extension of the Boca West Children Foundation’s mission to reach children in need throughout Palm Beach County. No one else can do what they’re doing. We love all our work with Jim Gavrilos.”
We can all become champions in our own way as our children need us. If your organization has a passion to help our children along their educational journey like Boca West Children’s Foundation, consider becoming a Champion of Education and partner with the Foundation. Contact the Education Foundation today to start the conversation.