The School District Matching Grant Program adopted by the Florida Legislature in 2000 is an integral component of our strategy to increase private-sector interest, involvement, and investment in advancing student achievement in our local schools. The School District Matching Grant Program utilizes state funding to provide $1 for $1 match incentive to increase student achievement in Florida. Funding for the program is determined each year by the Florida Legislature. With the appropriation secured, the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF) invites local education foundations to apply for their share of matching funds at the start of the school year. They must certify that their cash match has been secured and submit applications for eligible projects. Local education foundations are responsible for reporting measurable outcomes for their initiatives with the CFEF being responsible for overall program management and reporting to the Florida Department of Education. Funding support can be used in six programmatic areas as priorities for advancing student achievement in Florida:
- Increasing Graduation Rates
- Teaching Quality
- Literacy
- Low-Performing Students
- Career & Technical Education

Red Apple Supplies – A FREE teacher resource store to equip teachers with essential school supplies for their classrooms. Since opening in 2016, Red Apple Supplies has distributed over $4 million in school supplies to Title I schools.
Learn More About the Program Here
The Education Foundation of Palm Beach County’s GoTeach! Classroom Grants encourage educators to create innovative and exciting educational opportunities for their students. GoTeach! Classroom Grants focus on these priority areas: Literacy, Career Education and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics).
GoTeach! Classroom Grant funding ranges from $1,000 for individual teacher proposals to $1,500 for team proposals. Once the grant application is submitted, it is reviewed by the Education Foundation’s Programs & Grants committee, which includes board members and other community leaders. Classroom grants are awarded in the fall at an awards ceremony, and grantees are required to submit results, photos, and a summary of how the funds were used at the end of the school year.
Impact of GoTeach! Classroom Grants in the 2019-2020 School Year:
- $110,000 awarded to fund 94 grants
- 60 schools served
- 19,000 students impacted
- 77% of students experienced academic improvement/learning gain as a result of program participation
- 900 teachers supported and 97% of teachers reported having an increase in teacher quality as a result of their grant participation
2019-2020 GoTeach! Classroom grants funded in partnership with the Great Charity Challenge, SRG Technology, AeroJet Rocketdyne Foundation, the Consortium of Florida Education Foundation’s School District Matching Grant Program. and the “Support Education” License Plate Program.
Important Information regarding the 2020-2021 Grant Cycle:
- Use the links above to access a PDF version of the grant application for planning purposes, the google form grant application, and the principal signature page to include with the application
- When you are ready to submit your grant, use the link to access the google form application, and copy/paste your responses. Then upload your signed Principal approval page and submit
- Please submit your application via Google Forms by August 16, 2020
- Two Grant Writing Workshops are available for teachers and administrators looking to get general grant writing tips/tricks, learn more about the GoReach!/GoTeach! Grant Cycle and get support with their application. The seminars are FREE and will be offered via Zoom on the following days:
- August 10, 2020 from 3:00-4:30p.m. Click HERE to Join Zoom Meeting.
- August 13, 2020 from9:00a.m.-10:30a.m. Click HERE to Join Zoom Meeting.
GoTeach! Classroom Grants
Innovative direct-to-classroom grants focused on priority areas of Literacy, STEM, Career Readiness, Increasing Graduation Rates, Supporting Under-performing Students & Social Emotional Learning
- Individual teachers are eligible to submit an application requesting up to $1,000 and a team of teachers (more than one teacher) can submit an application requesting up to $1,500 in funding support
- No more than three GoTeach! Classroom grants will be awarded per school
- Schools are welcome to submit as many applications as they choose, however, submitting application(s) does not guarantee grant will be awarded, this is a highly competitive grant
- Application must clearly indicate how program is innovative, will impact students, evaluation plan to show program effectiveness, include a detailed budget and plan on how program will be carried out remotely, if need be, as a result of COVID-19
NEW THIS YEAR: GoReach! Grants
Innovative grants that will REACH additional students in terms of depth and breadth focused on priority areas of Literacy, STEM, Career Readiness, Increasing Graduation Rates, Supporting Under-performing Students & Social Emotional Learning.
- Teachers and administrators are eligible to submit an application requesting up to $3,000 in funding support
- Four grants in total will be awarded (Elementary, Middle School, High School and Special Needs)
- Schools are eligible to submit ONE GoReach! Grant for consideration (this will not hinder GoTeach! Classroom Grant Application(s) eligibility submitted by teacher(s) at the same school
- Applications will be submitted via Google Form (see link above as well as PDF version for planning purposes)
- Individual teachers and teams of teachers and administrators are welcome to apply
- All applications must include uploaded Principal Acknowledgement Form signed by principal for consideration (see link above)
- Application must clearly indicate how program is innovative, will REACH students, evaluation plan to show program effectiveness, include a detailed budget and plan on how program will be carried out remotely, if need be, as a result of COVID-19
You can fund a GoTeach! Classroom and/or GoReach! Grant
- Click Donate Now and mention “GoTeach! Classroom Grants” in the Additional Information/Comments section.
- Help fuel more opportunities for students by purchasing a Florida Support Education License Plate. Your purchase contributes $20 to assist students and teachers in our public schools. Your donation, included in the purchase price of the Florida Education license plate, stays right here in our classrooms.
Impact of Closing the Achievement Gap with AVID in the 2018-2019 School Year:
- 60,000+ students impacted
- 700 teachers and administrators trained
- 100% of AVID seniors graduated in the Class of 2019
Funded in Partnership with Bank of America and the School District Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
In its third year of operation, this program is expanding from 4 to 12 pilot schools in the 2019-2020 school year. In collaboration with the University of Central Florida’s Morgridge International Reading Center, the School District of Palm Beach County has trained district administrators and teachers in research-based instructional strategies that will develop the capacity of teachers to impact their instruction. These district administrators, with the support of University of Central Florida’s staff, will train additional teachers in 8 new pilot elementary schools in research-based multisensory instructional strategies plus provide additional training and support to teachers in the 4 original pilot schools, totaling 12 schools participating in this pilot reading program. These instructional strategies will be used to improve students’ reading proficiency in primary grades with language-based learning disabilities, including students with characteristics of dyslexia, by increasing the strategies and approaches used by teachers to address the needs of their students. This program serves to meet The School District of Palm Beach County’s Strategic Plan’s Theme/Goal by providing effective and Relevant Instruction to meet the needs of all students and to increase the number of students reading on grade level by 3rd Grade.
Impact of Charging Forward with Multisensory Strategies in the 2018-2019 School Year:
- 988 students impacted
- 47 teachers and 10 administrators trained
- Teacher Instructional Quality Improved:
- 100% of teachers reported an improvement in teacher quality as a result of participating in multisensory instructional strategies training
Student Reading Achievement Increased:
- 81% of Kindergarten students demonstrated mastery on their Reading Running Record Year-End Assessment.
- 90% of First Grade students demonstrated mastery on their Reading Running Record Year-End Assessment.
Funded in Partnership with Ventus Charitable Foundations and the School District Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
In an effort to foster post-graduate success, the Healthcare Innovation Project is a collaborative effort between the School District of Palm Beach County and the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County. This project will expand the school district’s Medical Sciences Career Academies, impacting 24 schools that have Medical Academies throughout the district. In the 2019-2020 school year, the Healthcare Innovation Project will provide 11 schools (10 high schools and 1 middle school) with Medical Sciences Academy Programs with cutting-edge diverse clinical patient simulators that teachers can program with a “pre-existing medical condition”. This cutting-edge equipment will provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, allowing them to meet the required clinical experiences necessary to become healthcare providers and licensed or industry certified in our modern medical world.
Impact of Healthcare Innovation Project in the 2018-2019 School Year:
- 4,500+ students impacted
- 42 teachers trained
- Based on preliminary results, 99% of Medical Academy students successfully passed and earned an industry certification prior to high school graduation allowing them the opportunity to seek and/or obtain employment in healthcare and/or STEM-related careers.
- Industry Certifications Include: Emergency Medical Responder, Certified Medical Administrative Assistant, Certified EKG Technician, Certified Patient Care Technician, Certified Pharmacy
- Technician, Certified Nursing Assistant, and Certified Personal Trainer.
Funded in partnership with the Quantum Foundation and the School District Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
The Rocket Powered Robotics program supports teams competing in the FIRST Lego League and First Tech Challenge Robotics programs in Palm Beach County. This program produces champion design teams rooted in the disciplines of STEM education. It provides targeted support to five teams with participating students from over 14 district schools. One middle and high school in the far western Glades community, where access to robotics clubs will drastically improve STEM participation and interest in STEM-related careers, will also be supported through this program by supporting robotics teams from these schools. The goal of this program is to provide student access to robotics education that stimulates knowledge and develops critical thinking skills (centered on principles of technology and engineering) by providing instructional programming customized to the individual strengths, needs, interests, and aspirations of students by working cooperatively as a team to problem-solve and compete at the District, Regional and State First Lego League Competitions.
Impact of Rocket-Powered Robotics in the 2018-2019 School Year:
- 100 students,16 teachers and hundreds of fans were impacted
- 4 robotics teams from 9 participating schools:
- The Children of the Swamp team competed at World Championship where they won in their division and placed 4th overall.
- M.A.R.S. (Mega Awesome Robotic System) competed at the Orlando and South Florida Regional Competitions and were selected as members of an alliance in both competitions.
- Pahokee Middle School, the Subaroos, caught the attention of the University of Washington and even Nasa! Read all about it HERE!
- Pahokee Middle School’s team, Codegrammers, won 1st Place in the Robot Performance at South Florida Regional and earned a bid to the First Lego League Florida Championships.
Funded in partnership with Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation and the School District Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
Impact of Stepping up STEM in Pahokee in the 2018-2019 School Year:
- 144 students and 3 teachers impacted
- Students receiving a 70% or higher on their post summative assessment:
- 89% of students enrolled in the new Environmental Science course
- 70.5% of students enrolled in the Computer Programming & Robotics course
- 66% of students enrolled in the new Marine Science course
Funded in Partnership with Ventus Charitable Foundations, Florida Power & Light, Company, Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation & School District Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
The Global Collaborations for Project-Based Learning will engage students and teachers through a system of instruction that provides unique cultural experiences and identifies global problems. Educators will facilitate international dialogue so students identify current world issues, with the goal of focusing on real needs that are meaningful and relevant to participating students and teachers.
Incorporating global and project-based learning in all subjects (by integrating technology as an instructional tool) empowers students to analyze problems and design solutions in collaboration with peers across the world. Students will increase their global communication skills and understanding of different perspectives that lead to innovative solutions.
The program provides training to teachers which will help them to implement advanced strategies in the classroom. Through the Genius Plaza online platform, teachers will also have access to culturally relevant resources and innovative methods including digital storytelling and access to blended learning resources, teaching tools, parent engagement facilitation, and a teacher dashboard.
At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, participating schools will have the instructional tools to embed global education concepts and project-based learning into all areas of the curriculum. Participating teachers and students will have created global education projects through collaborations with international schools abroad.
Funded in partnership with the Mary and Robert Pew Public Education Fund and the School District Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
New this year: OrKids is a hands-on plant propagation program, in partnership with Florida Atlantic University’s Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, that provides the opportunity for middle and high school students to grow endangered native orchids in their classroom while collecting important data that will help to inform the scientific field on native plant conservation. Students will learn how to think critically about the plant world through interacting with their orchids daily by setting up a classroom botany lab . The participants will learn the concepts of habitat restoration and endangered species care and protection. The hands-on experiences of caring for the orchids, and planning a restoration project, will increase the students’ awareness of the plant kingdom and will provide a better understanding of restoration ecology. In addition to receiving propagation materials for the classroom, such as shelving, lights, trays, plants, humidity domes, fertilizer and any research materials pertinent to the program, participants will also be introduced to the lessons on identifying ecosystems, classification of orchids using a dichotomous key and the importance of habitat protection and plant reintroduction. An interactive teacher training, including all required teaching materials, will be provided to teachers implementing the OrKIDS project.
Funded in partnership with Florida Atlantic University’s Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, Ventus Charitable Foundation and the School District of Palm Beach County’s Matching Grant Program through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.