“What does your company do?” It’s a typical question asked when business leaders get together. When you work for LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, you can proudly say: “We have a global reach…while also making a tremendous impact locally!” Long known as the industry leader in providing solutions and tools with advanced technology and analytics to assist customers in evaluating risk and enhancing efficiency, employees of LexisNexis are also committed to community involvement.
As a company, LexisNexis Risk Solutions cares deeply about positively impacting local and global communities. Through the LexisNexis Risk Solutions Cares program, teams of corporate volunteers helped establish the very first STEM Section at Red Apple Supplies in 2019. STEM kits were assembled by LexisNexis Risk Solution employees as a corporate engagement activity. The STEM kits provide students with hands-on solutions for exploratory and project-based learning, fine motor practice and innovative problem solving in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Kit materials included blocks, dominoes, pipe cleaners, mini cups and more, along with task cards to inspire and challenge students to create a variety of items. These kits were distributed to teachers with their needed school supplies, adding additional value to the Red Apple Supplies “teacher shop” experience. The kits were so well received, LexisNexis Risk Solutions further supported the expansion of the STEM section at Red Apple Supplies the following year. Other companies soon followed their lead, and today, there are three corporate sponsored STEM sections at Red Apple Supplies.
“It has been such a pleasure to have had the opportunity to work with the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County in their efforts to help our community,” said Sarah Fabius, systems engineer at LexisNexis Risk Solutions. “Our public schools continue to be in need and through this partnership we have been able to help make an impact in our neighboring communities. In the current climate, our communities need us now more than ever. I am proud that LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been able to continue to support this initiative.”
In addition, LexisNexis Risk Solutions also supported the Education Foundation’s 2020-2021 GoTeach! Classroom Grant Awards, an annual celebration that awards teachers with direct-to-classroom grants to implement their innovative ideas in the classroom. LexisNexis Risk Solutions dedicated employees also sponsored a We LOVE Teachers event at Red Apple Supplies that included a “drive-through” supply pick-up, so teachers could benefit from contactless delivery of necessary school supplies for their classrooms and students while remaining safe during the pandemic. Not even Covid-19 can slow this company down!
We invite you to join LexisNexis Risk Solutions and the Foundation’s other corporate partners in becoming a Champion of Education and further serving the needs of the students, teachers, principals in schools in Palm Beach County. Together we can ensure students have a high-quality education that leads to a prosperous future so the next time someone asks, “What does your company do?” You can proudly say: “We change the lives of children in Palm Beach County…”
James S. Gavrilos, along with our partners from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions
reveal the newly expanded STEM section at Red Apple Supplies in 2020.