In the last few years, “Corporate Social Responsibility” has become a topic for many companies. They look to “do the right thing” and make an impact in their local community. Committees are formed, task forces assigned…and employee volunteer engagement is encouraged. For some companies however, Corporate Social Responsibility is nothing new…it is embedded in their very DNA.
U.S. Sugar is one of those companies
For nearly 100 years, U.S. Sugar has sought to improve the lives of those in their home community. In 2019, U.S. Sugar partnered with the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County (EFPBC) and became a Champion of Education and multiple initiatives that harvested an impact for thousands of students in Palm Beach County, specifically the Glades Region, which is one of the U.S. Sugar offices, along with students in Hendry County where U.S. Sugar has its headquartered.
Their commitment to the local community has been instrumental in the success of the EFPBC Backpack Initiative the last two years where more than 6,000 families have received backpacks filled with the essential school supplies. Ensuring that every child in the Glades is prepared for school is just one of their efforts to improve the lives of those who work and live near their corporate headquarters.
Employees from U.S. Sugar also regularly volunteer at Red Apple Supplies. This year, to further support the Foundation’s response to community’s need as a result of COVID-19, U.S. Sugar employees jumped on board to help support Red Apple Supplies “Online and On the Move” initiative to deliver trucks filled with pallets of essential school supplies to schools in the western part of Palm Beach County.
“The people of U.S. Sugar are proud to support our local schools, which are helping to empower the next generation of Glades community leaders,” said Brannan Thomas, U.S. Sugar Community Relations Manager. “As a Belle Glade native and a product of Glades-area schools, I know firsthand how much it means for students, teachers and principals to have the support of local businesses. Through our own community education initiatives, and our work with the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County, U.S. Sugar’s commitment to Palm Beach County schools has spanned decades and remains as strong as ever.”
Education Foundation President/CEO, James Gavrilos comments: “We work with many Champions of Education. I am always inspired when I see employees come out to volunteer. But when U.S. Sugar comes to volunteer, their senior staff and C-Level Leadership is out front and center, working to unload trucks and help teachers. That tells you all you need to know about their commitment to the community. U.S. Sugar is a true Champion of Education.”
Together, the Education Foundation and its business partners, like U.S. Sugar, are changing the world through Education. We invite your company to support today’s students as they become tomorrow’s leaders.
Become a Champion of Education Today! Click HERE, and let’s begin the conversation.